Last night I dreamed of sweat dripping down my back and down my ass crack. I could feel sweat trickling down the back of my knees. It tickled me and I smiled.
I lit matches and put them in my arm pits to extinguish them. My forehead soaked bandana was used to wipe my side view mirrors clean.
I picked up the faint hint of Coppertone. It did battle with the salt thick humidity. I drank them both in.
I knew the sand was hot. It burned my feet as I walked back to the dunes for some firewood I noticed there.
I casually walked into the surf to cool off. A wave almost knocked me down. The 74º water felt like melted ice on my head.
I woke and layed there, wondering why I live here and not on Cayman Brac. Or in Costa Rica. But then I could be worser. It was 52º this morning. Not that cold, huh? But cold and miserable enough for me to hate it. I hate it.
Good Relations Are Just Like ‘Water’ Very ‘Important’ For Life. May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: zain ul hai saleem | December 22, 2011 at 12:49 AM
Sim salabim.
Posted by: marcus | December 22, 2011 at 08:47 AM