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October 29, 2011


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I have that CD on 24k Gold "Ultradisc", by Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs.

You gonna need to hang out for an album and buzz o' bourbon and listen to what Dark Side of the Moon is supposed to sound like.

The stereo in my garage is better than most folks will ever own. And the garage is a natural speaker box in it's own right.

Couple good office chairs in there, some seegars, drinks, and the tunes, up enough to drive the full audio dynamic range.

The last heartbeat fading from the speaker, the last draw on the cigar, the last sip from the glass.

When they all happen in time, you just want to refill, and play it again.

And, again.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX


Weird shit. As I clicked to this post Time was playing on my speakers.

The Pink Floyd can speak to you in many, many ways.


Joe....are you telling me not to write a post about a lunatic being on the grass?

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